A4 keepsake box in containing a King Charles III flag, commemorative medal on keepsake postcard, crown, bunting and gems to decorate your bunting and crown as you wish. The box then doubles up as a great place to keep your coronation memorabilia. It is big enough to store a folded newspaper too.
King's Coronation 2023 Commemorative Keepsake Box
A4 white cardboard box, finished with either a gold or silver crown to indicate the coin and bunting colour, as you have the choice to choose from silver or gold.
Medal is roughly 50 x 55 mm and engraved and cut from 3 mm mirrored perspex.
Elasticated mini crown to fit both adults and children. Slot together once you have decorated with gems.
Bunting measures roughly 1 metre long once assebmled. Cut from red card and either silver or gold mirrored card. White twine provided to thread onto once decorated.